City Officials
City Manager
Rebecca Lakin
Phone: 989-879-2360
Amy Bromberg
Phone: 989-879-2360
Jessica View
Phone: 989-879-2360
City Council
Mayor: Sheri Beottcher
Phone: 879-2360
Mayor Pro-Tem: Stephanie Chant
Councilwoman: Becky Lesniak
Phone: 989-879-2360
Councilwoman: Robin Wiess
Phone: 989-879-2360
Councilman: Patrick Johnson
Phone: 989-879-2360
Councilman: Chris Kuehne
Phone: 989-879-2360
Get in touch with council members by leaving contact information with City Hall.
DDA meetings are held at the Community Building at 3:30 pm the second Tuesday of the month.
Council Meetings are 3rd Monday @ 5:30 pm of the month unless it falls on a holiday, then it will be the 3rd Tuesday.